Turtle Creek Homeowners Association







The principal office of the corporation shall be in the home of the duly elected President who shall
also serve as the registered agent of the Corporation.

                                                                                 BYLAW II.

                                                                      PURPOSES AND OBJECTS

An amplification of the purposes for which the corporation has been formed as set forth in the
Articles of Incorporation, the purposes and objects are as follows:

  (A)     To promote and develop a community for safe, healthful and harmonious living.

  (B)     To promote the collective and individual property and civic interest and rights of all
              persons, firms and corporations owning property in Turtle Creek to the City of
              Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.

(C)     To care for the improvements and maintenance of the gateways, public easements,
              parkways, grass plots, and any facilities of any kind dedicated to the community use
              and other open spaces and other ornamental features of the above described
              subdivision known as Turtle Creek, which now exist or which may hereafter be
              installed or constructed therein.

 (D)     To cooperate with the owners of all vacant and unimproved lots and plots now
              existing that hereafter shall exist in the tract in keeping them in good order and
              condition, in preventing them from becoming a nuisance and a detriment to the
              beauty of the tract and to the value of the improved property therein, and to take any
              action with reference to such vacant and unimproved lots and plots as may be
              necessary or desirable to keep them from becoming such nuisance and detriment.

 (E)     To aid and cooperate with the members of this corporation and all property owners
              in the tract in enforcement of such conditions, covenants, and restrictions on and
              appurtenant to their property as are now in existence as well as any other conditions,
              covenants, and restrictions as shall hereinafter be approved by a majority vote of the
              members of the corporation, and to counsel with the Planning Commission and City
              Council of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, having jurisdiction in relation to any zoning
              that may affect any portion of the subject property.

 (F)     In general, but in connection with the foregoing, to do any and all things necessary
              to promote the general welfare of the residents and owners of any portions of Turtle
              Creek and their property interests therein.

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 (G)     To acquire, own or lease such real and personal property as may be necessary or
               convenient for the transaction of its business and the fulfillment of its purposes and
               objects, and to exercise all rights, powers and privileges of ownership to the same
               extent as natural owners might or could do.

 (H)     To arrange social and recreational functions for its members.

 (I)     To exercise any and all powers that may be delegated to it from time to time by the
               owners of real property in the tract.

 (J)      This corporation shall not engage in any venture of any kind or character for gain or

                                                                           BYLAW III.


 (A)     Class of Members.  The corporation shall have one class of members.  The
               qualifications and rights shall be as follows:

               (1)      Every beneficial owner, as distinguished from a security owners, as a
                         residential unit in Turtle Creek Addition, being a Subdivision in the County
                         of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, as herein particularly described, shall be a

               (2)      Membership shall include an undertaking by the applicant to comply with
                         and be bound by the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws and amendments
                         thereto, and the policies, rules, and regulations at any time adopted by the
                         corporation in accordance with these Bylaws.  Membership shall be
                         accompanied by payment of the first year's dues in advance.

               (3)      Membership in this corporation shall terminate on such member ceasing to
                         be a beneficial owner of a residential building site, lot or unit in or on the
                         property described herein or failure of the member to pay the dues.

 (B)     Voting Rights  Each member in good standing shall be entitled to vote on each
               matter submitted to a vote of the members, provided, however, that each member
               shall be the sole beneficial owner of a residential building site or residential unit in
               Turtle Creek.  A member shall have one vote irrespective of the number of residential
               building sites of which he is the beneficial owner.  At membership meetings all votes
               shall be cast in person, or by proxy registered with the secretary.

                                                                        BYLAW IV.

                                                              MEETINGS OF MEMBERS

 (A)     Annual Meeting.  An annual meeting of the members for the purpose of hearing
              reports from all officers and standing committees and for electing directors shall be
              held in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma during the first week in April of
              each year, beginning with the year 1979.  The time and place shall be fixed by the

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 (B)     Regular Meetings.  In addition to the annual meetings, regular meetings of the
              members shall be had at such time and place as determined by the Board of
              Directors, provided, however, that there shall be no regular meetings held during the
              months of June, July, August, and December.

 (C)     Special Meetings.  A special meeting of the members may be called by the Board of
              Directors.   A special meeting of the members must be called within twenty (20) days
              by the President, or the Board of Directors when requested by not less than two-
              thirds (2/3) of the members having voting rights.

 (D)     Notice of Meetings.  A notice stating the place, day and hour of any meeting shall
              be posted at each of the two East entrances and the North entrance to Turtle Creek
              at least 10 days preceding the meeting.

 (E)     Quorum.   The members holding fifty-five percent (55%) of the votes that may be
              cast at any meeting shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the members.  A
              quorum may be declared by the Chairman if approved by the Board of Directors and
              those members present.  In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the members
              present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.

 (F)     Proxies.   At any meeting of the members, a member entitled to vote may vote by
              proxy executed in writing and delivered to the Secretary or appointed member of the
              Board.   No proxy shall be valid after three (3) months from the date of its execution,
              unless otherwise provided in the proxy.

                                                                           BYLAW V.

                                                                BOARD OF DIRECTORS

 (A)     General Powers.  The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by the Board of
               Directors, subject to instructions of the members of the corporation at a regular
               meeting, or subject to approval of the membership as expressed by vote of

 (B)     Number, Tenure and Qualifications.  The number of directors shall be seven (7).
              These directors shall be members of the corporation and shall hold office for one (1)
              year or until their successor shall have been elected and qualified.

 (C)     Regular Meetings.  The Board of Directors shall meet regularly the first week of
              each quarter at a time and place it shall select.

 (D)     Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or
              at the request of the president or of a majority of the directors.

 (E)     Notices.   Notice of any special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be given at
             least three (3) days prior thereto, by written notice delivered personally or sent by
             mail to each director.  Any director may waive notice of any meeting.

 (F)     Quorum.   A majority of Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the
              transaction of business at any meeting of the Board, but if less than a majority of the
              directors are present at said meeting, a majority of the directors present may adjourn
              the meeting from time to time, and without further notice.

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